
Monday, May 31, 2021

How much I blog per year

This chart shows how many times I have blog per year my high light of this year of my blog post would have to be mothers day and my lowest is histograms why because its Maths 2020 I only blog 5 times and this year I have done 6 my  goal for my next blog post is to write better so how many blog post did you do per year.

Friday, May 21, 2021


 what we did yesterday is that we are leaning about graphs and what you need to make a graph.What we had to do is make a tall and then do a graph about it we had to know was the difference  between a bar graph and a histogram graph what a graph need is a title x,y axis labelled and even scales that's what a graph need.

Friday, May 7, 2021

mothers day

Today we researched mother day  quotes and it could be reo maori we did the instructions to do our origami flower to attach to our cards.
I found it not that hard but very easy. In year groups we made a body wash and what my favourite part of all of the day will have to be making the body wash and what my quote said is ,mothers are like the hull of a conoe they are the heat of the family what did you do for you mother.